Build a strong foundation with beginner puppy training!
Our early puppy training is the perfect way to give your new furry friend the guidance they need to develop and grow into a happy, healthy, and well-behaved dog.
Set you and your puppy up for a lifetime of wonderful memories!
The goal of our Beginner Puppy Kindergarten (BPK) program is to give your puppy a solid foundation in basic trainings so you can start off your new adventure right! This 6-8 week long program begins when your puppy is seven weeks old—a crucial time in their behavioral development.
During their time in BPK, our experienced staff will guide your furry friend through basic trainings such as name recognition, leash training, basic commands, and so much more. Plus, each week you will receive at least one video of your puppy as they work through their training—giving you a front row seat to their growth and development!
We are here for the life of your puppy.
We want to ensure that you and your puppy continue to grow and thrive, even after you leave us. BPK provides your puppy with an incredibly strong foundation for you to build off of. However, at 14-16 weeks of age, your puppy will not fully master any of the above trainings. We highly recommend continuing with puppy training when you receive your furry friend.
That’s why, in addition to the basic puppy training, you will receive your own membership to Baxter & Bella online puppy school to continue with their exact training, answer all questions, life-time access to professional trainers, puppy classes, and more ($249 value)!